battered not broken animated poetry in motion graphics bj alden

Poetry in Motion

Poetry In Motion: Battered Not Broken from North Coast Post on Vimeo. Battered, Not Broken is one of a series of animated spoken word pieces excerpted from Jet Widick’s poetry books Sage Words and Sage Spirit. These vector assets were …..

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bj alden sugar warehouse motion graphic animation sos diet book

Sugar Warehouse Motion Graphic

Your Body Processing Sugar Like a Factory from North Coast Post on Vimeo. This motion graphic was created for the Stop Only Sugar (SOS) Diet Book author, James Surrell, M.D. to illustrate how our bodies act as as a sugar …..

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I'm an independent video producer and founding partner of North Coast Post LLC, a visual communications firm that builds meaningful brands through developing brand assets, purpose-driven strategy and authentic content marketing. My background is in broadcasting, marketing and communications, small business relations, entrepreneurship, video production, writing and editing. Want to collaborate? Pour me another shot of espresso and let's get our wheels turning.